Monday, October 31, 2016

Grade 6 Social Studies - Overpopulation

Grade 6's please go to Brainpop and log in using the username and password I have written on the whiteboard in the lab.

  1. Click on this link.
  2. Watch the movie.
  3. Take the graded quiz (choose the graded quiz).  Print your results (it will ask your for your full name - it is ok to type it, as no one but I can see it.  
  4. Comment on one interesting fact that you learned from the movie that no one else has mentioned in the comments below.  Of course, make sure your comment is COPSd, written in a complete sentence, and that you sign only your first name.


  1. That you shouldn't recycle cans of pop if they are full.

  2. A population is a total number of individuals of a particular species in a particular place. I actually thought that a population was only for humans and dogs not any species. I also didn't know that humans were call homosapians i do not know how to spell that but i thought humans were alive longer than a couple hundred thousand years ago


  3. that you should recycle empty cans of pop so you can renew the resources from the can.

  4. One thing I learned from the quiz and video is that our population will be around 8 billion people by 2020!!

  5. Some things I learned are: By 2020, the world should have 8 billion people,and by the end of the century there should be about 10 billion people!
    Another thing I learned is that there are so many ways to save the Earth's resources, such as not wasting water, using solar power, and that recycling can go a long way.
    Last thing I learned, is that humans are creating too much waste, and we are, in a way, killing ourselves. We are polluting the world too much, and it's making our air quality worse and worse. We're simply creating too much waste.

    1. Oops, I forgot to sign my name.

      Ada B.

  6. one thing that i learned is that recicle pop cans after you drink them... NOT befor!!!... and that humans are creating to much wast dont buy things you dont need!!! if something is brocken fix it dont buy new ones!!! unless there unfixable... By: Tallulah ☺
