Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Cream Puffs, Fairies and Monsters

Answer the following questions with CSAs.  Make sure you add lots of detail to your answers.  Short, unimaginative answers will be rejected.


Draft your answers in MS WORD. Edit them for clarity and details; PROOF READ them for COPS and sense using WORD TALK before copying them into the blog editor and posting them.  Remember to post with your first name only.
  1. Holling’s friends insisted he replace the cream puffs eaten by the rats. Was this fair of them? Why do you think Mrs. Baker replaced the cream puffs? 
  2. Caliban is a monster in Shakespear's play The Tempest.  Holling says that monsters must always be defeated if there is to be a happy ending. Do you agree with him? Why or why not? How does this apply to his own life? Does this always happen in real life? Give examples
  3. How is playing "Ariel" in the school play going to affect Holling's life in your opinion?
Possible spellings you may need: Sycorax and Caliban, Presbyterian


  1. I don’t think that was fair because it wasn't Holling’s fault the rats to eat the cream puffs. I think that Mrs. Baker felt bad that her rats ate the cream puffs.
    I agree with him because with no monsters means there will be no threats but in real life there is always threats.
    I think if he plays Ariel he would be humiliated because of the yellow tights.

  2. No because he work hard for them so they should not have said he had to replace them, I think Mrs. Baker replaced them because he work hard for them and having them destroyed she felt bad so she replaced them.
    No because even a monster should be give 1 last chance and maybe it will change and it will become nice, Yes the animal or human monsters always will have a bad ending and no one can change that unless you have supreme authority.
    He is not going to be taken seriously by anyone even in business and a lot of people will make fun of him.

  3. I think it was fair because they did not get their cream puffs so they should of told him so they could get what he promised.
    I agree with him that monsters should be defeated to be a happy ending because monsters do bad things in most books or plays. No it does not happen a lot in real life because monsters are fake.
    In my opinion it will affect him beacause he could be bullied or teased or called mean names.
    Bodie C

  4. I don’t think it was fair of Holling’s friends to make him get new cream puffs after the rats ate his old ones. I think Ms.Baker bought the cream puffs for Holling because she felt bad for him.
    I agree with holling when he said that monsters can’t have a happy ending because caliban and sycorax ate the cream puffs that ha saved up for, for three months. This applies to hollings life because when he worked really hard to mow the lawn he did a really bad job so his dad had to do it. This applies to my life because on time I bought my own pair of shoes and then my dog ate them.
    I think playing Ariel in the play will completely ruin his life because if anyone who didn’t like holling saw it they might get a bunch of pictures of hyim and put them up all over the place with loser written on the front.

  5. I don't think that Holling's friends should have told him to replace the cream puffs because it was not his fault that the rats had eaten the cream puffs.
    I do agree with him about the monster having to die if there is a happy ending, but in only some ways. In others I don't think the monster has to die it just has to have changed. I think that this applies to his own life because he has a monster in his life - his teacher, and so far the teacher has been undefeated. Killing the monster does not always apply in real life because sometimes the monster changes into a good character and I think that is going to happen in this book.
    I think that it will affect his life at school and at home. I think at school because now everybody that goes to this school will know that he wore yellow tights with white feathers on the butt. I think at home it will because his sister now has to deal with him at school because the news has spread around to other classes at the high school.

  6. It was most certainly not fair but Holling did let the rats out… .I think mrs. Baker got the cream puffs because she is fond of Holling!No because in movies like shrek or water dragon they are good guys .I think it applies to his encounter with mickey mantle.
    I Think it's going to affect his social life because he was caught wearing tights and feathers on his butt and also Aerial is supposed to be played by a girl.

    Cole B.

  7. It was most certainly not fair but Holling did let the rats out… .I think mrs. Baker got the cream puffs because she is fond of Holling!No because in movies like shrek or water dragon they are good guys .I think it applies to his encounter with mickey mantle.
    I Think it's going to affect his social life because he was caught wearing tights and feathers on his butt and also Aerial is supposed to be played by a girl.

    Cole B.

  8. When Holling’s friends insisted he replaced the cream puffs eaten by the rats I did not think this was fair of them because it’s not his fault the Sycorax and Caliban ate the cream puffs, so why should replace something that was not eaten by him in the first place! It’s just not fair! Mrs. Baker probably replaced the cream puffs because she felt bad that her rats ate all the cream puffs, and she felt guilty that Holling was going to have to get another bag of cream puffs when he worked so hard for the first one.
    I kind of agree with him and I kind of don’t because this question depends on perspective. See, from the villain's perspective it is not a happy ending because he /she gets defeated, but on the hero's perspective it is a happy ending because they can live peacefully. This applies to his own life because Mrs. Baker is kind of a villain in his life and so is Doug Swieteck’s brother. It can happen in real life when you get bullied or when your parents say no to something.
    Holling playing “Ariel” in the play is going to affect Hollings life because he was wearing a costume that he really did not want to because it was yellow tights with pink feathers on the...and Ariel is supposed to be played by a girl, so when he goes back to school, he will be very embarrassed.


  9. When Holling’s friends insisted he replaced the cream puffs eaten by the rats I did not think this was fair of them because it’s not his fault the Sycorax and Caliban ate the cream puffs, so why should replace something that was not eaten by him in the first place! It’s just not fair! Mrs. Baker probably replaced the cream puffs because she felt bad that her rats ate all the cream puffs, and she felt guilty that Holling was going to have to get another bag of cream puffs when he worked so hard for the first one.
    I kind of agree with him and I kind of don’t because this question depends on perspective. See, from the villain's perspective it is not a happy ending because he /she gets defeated, but on the hero's perspective it is a happy ending because they can live peacefully. This applies to his own life because Mrs. Baker is kind of a villain in his life and so is Doug Swieteck’s brother. It can happen in real life when you get bullied or when your parents say no to something.
    Holling playing “Ariel” in the play is going to affect Hollings life because he was wearing a costume that he really did not want to because it was yellow tights with pink feathers on the...and Ariel is supposed to be played by a girl, so when he goes back to school, he will be very embarrassed.


  10. I think it was unfair of Holling’s friends to demand new cream puffs after Sycorax and Caliban ate them while everyone was away, mostly because it definitely wasn’t Holling’s fault that the cream puffs were eaten. A fairer way that could be settled is that they could just live with it. Cream puffs are cream puffs, not the end of the world. But every book needs some sort of conflict so I suppose cream puffs had to be the end of the world. Even so, the cream puffs aren’t that expensive (although the book is in 1967, so maybe it was more than it seems), and some kids could’ve bought their own cream puffs, or maybe even try to make their own. Much simpler solutions than harassing Holling. I honestly think Mrs. Baker replaced the cream puffs because she felt it was unfair of Holling’s friends to demand new cream puffs as well, and she might’ve figured that Holling probably wouldn’t have 3 more weeks to scrape together enough cash to buy 22 cream puffs.

    To have a happy ending, the monster doesn’t always need to be defeated. A happy ending can come from the monster becoming good, or the entire problem being proved to have just been a misunderstanding. Sometimes, stories don’t even need happy endings, the stories can end with a mystery, a way for the reader to decide the ending, like in ‘The Giver’. Maybe even in the end, the “good guys” were actually the monsters. Even so, in the world of online art and writing, a term for when the good guy(s) always win over the monsters is a “Mary Sue”, which basically means a perfect character or story. This proves a point that good guys always winning from defeating their threat unless absolutely necessary can be the worst way to write a story. And in Holling’s life, he’s had several “bad guys” in his way and not once has he had an epic fight to the death with any of them. One of these “bad guys” could be the baseball player he used to look up to, I forget his name, but he had just rejected Holling for what he wears. As far as I can recall, I don’t have any memory of a huge battle of baseball players vs. students in the book. How was the conflict settled? Holling’s friend just gave his baseball back to the baseball player, stating that he no longer wanted the baseball. Simple enough, and it’s a simple way to make the defeat of a bad guy much more realistic and, well, good.

    Playing Ariel in the Shakespear play shouldn’t affect Holling’s life that much in my opinion. It did though, which isn’t really how it should go. Yes, Holling’s school is essentially made up of not so nice people so far, but really? All this conflict over playing a “girl’s” part in a play? I think it’s a little silly. Sure, 1967 was a less accepting time for boys to play as girls and vice versa, but I’d think that the whole thing about Holling playing as Ariel would only give out a few or more chuckles. But back to how the part in the play is going to affect Holling’s life. I think for at least a while he might have a reputation as the kid who played as a fairy, and his sister is going to have the reputation of the girl with a fairy for a brother. I believe that there’s bound to be a much more embarrassing or laugh worthy thing that’ll happen in the book though, or maybe even past the book’s time of telling. But who knows, maybe Holling will be known as a fairy forever.

  11. I think it was not fair that Holling’s friend said to replace the cream puffs because one nobody ated the upset for Sycorax and Caliban that I think Mrs. Baker said something to Sycorax and Caliban to eat the cream puffs and the second one is he did his best in the  Shakespear's act to get the cream puffs.  I think Mrs. Baker replace the cream puffs because she felt bad that Sycorax and Caliban ate the cream puffs.
    I agree on both because if the hero defeated the monster then the hero can live nice and peaceful with no monster but, for the monster is don’t have a happily story because the creature would have to get defeated.  It can apply to Holling because Mrs.Baker is like the villain  because she may have said to Sycorax and Caliban and a hero would not do a thing like that and Doug Swietecks brother.
    It may affect Holling’s life opinion because he is the one that have where yellow tight and Feathers on his bottom so, it may not go away that he were that.  
